FINALLY! A place where all my Desti Bridefriends can meet and discuss All Things Desti!
Hey Destis + Bridefriends!
The past few months have been ABSOLUTELY C R A Y for me and we’ll get into all of that soon enough, but right now it’s announcement time!!!
I sent an email to DESTI∙NATION email list over Valentine’s Day weekend, so you may already know this…but if not - it’s happening!!!
And btw…sign up so you don’t miss out again!
Anywho…I’m SOOO happy to finally have a place where all of my Desti Bridefriends can meet and discuss All Things Desti!
The brand spankin’ new, super secret, but not so secret DESTILOVERS Facebook Community is an extension of the show and is your safe space for sharing and collaboration while planning your destination wedding!
Not on Facebook?
No sweat - I totally get it! Sign up anyway and I’ll send you a special link to a page where you can still participate in our Live Q+A’s!
Here’s what you can also look forward to:
💕LIVE Q+A’s! (1st one beginning 02.20.2020 so don’t miss out!)
💕Episode Discussions!
💕Topic Deepdives!
💕 Weekly Desti Happy Hours!
💕 Special Guests!
💕 Giveaways!
💕And More!
This space will be whatever you Bridefriends make it! We’re a family here, so let me know what you need!
We have A LOT of catching up to do and I’ll be updating you on what’s been going on with me in this week’s live Q+A.
See you in there!
xx, Omi
Professional Bridesmaid For Hire, Jen Glantz
Always a Bridesmaid...For Hire? A peek behind the veil of destination wedding planning from the mouth of the WORLD’S FIRST professional bridesmaid.
How can you be the VERY BEST Bridesmaid a Bride has even seen?
THE Professional Bridesmaid, Jen Glantz shares her best bridesmaid tips!
A bit of background: After being asked by 2 friends in one day to be a bridesmaid, Jen decided to put an ad out on Craigslist to offer her services to strangers who may need a professional bridesmaid. Since then she’s been on the TODAY Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News + now HERE with us on the DESTI Guide to Destination Weddings Podcast! Share this w/ your Bridefriends - anyone involved in your wedding can learn a few things from Jen.
Deeming herself the Wedding Party Whisperer, Jen bridges the gap between Desti and DestiBestie by sharing a wealth of advice for brides, grooms, bridesmaids and anyone else involved in a destination wedding, or any wedding for that matter.
Jen shares her crazy experiences as a Bridesmaid for a ton of brides and shares invaluable bridesmaid tips like:
💕What is a Bridesmaid for Hire + who would need one?
💕How to pick your wedding party members
💕Why some bridesmaids forget to be friends
💕How to stop people from sabotaging your destination wedding
💕How to deal with difficult bridesmaids
💕Preparing for emergencies
💕Traveling tips
💕How to be a great Bridesmaid for a destination wedding
💕and more!
And of course, we get to talk about her hilarious new book, Always a Bridesmaid FOR HIRE!
Jen - Thank you so very much for sharing the wealth on destination wedding bridal parties!
You can find Jen's book, Always a Bridesmaid For Hire: Stories on Growing Up, Looking for Love, and Walking Down the Aisle for Complete Strangers at
& on
Always A Bridesmaid For Hire’s Website