Professional Bridesmaid For Hire, Jen Glantz
How can you be the VERY BEST Bridesmaid a Bride has even seen?
THE Professional Bridesmaid, Jen Glantz shares her best bridesmaid tips!
A bit of background: After being asked by 2 friends in one day to be a bridesmaid, Jen decided to put an ad out on Craigslist to offer her services to strangers who may need a professional bridesmaid. Since then she’s been on the TODAY Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News + now HERE with us on the DESTI Guide to Destination Weddings Podcast! Share this w/ your Bridefriends - anyone involved in your wedding can learn a few things from Jen.
Deeming herself the Wedding Party Whisperer, Jen bridges the gap between Desti and DestiBestie by sharing a wealth of advice for brides, grooms, bridesmaids and anyone else involved in a destination wedding, or any wedding for that matter.
Jen shares her crazy experiences as a Bridesmaid for a ton of brides and shares invaluable bridesmaid tips like:
💕What is a Bridesmaid for Hire + who would need one?
💕How to pick your wedding party members
💕Why some bridesmaids forget to be friends
💕How to stop people from sabotaging your destination wedding
💕How to deal with difficult bridesmaids
💕Preparing for emergencies
💕Traveling tips
💕How to be a great Bridesmaid for a destination wedding
💕and more!
And of course, we get to talk about her hilarious new book, Always a Bridesmaid FOR HIRE!
Jen - Thank you so very much for sharing the wealth on destination wedding bridal parties!
You can find Jen's book, Always a Bridesmaid For Hire: Stories on Growing Up, Looking for Love, and Walking Down the Aisle for Complete Strangers at
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Always A Bridesmaid For Hire’s Website